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  1. dax00I've been distracted by my lunch
  2. TepinCheck my line
  3. Tepin29 moves
  4. dax00why all the way to 1 12
  5. dax00i mean 2 12
  6. TepinFor move 19
  7. Olekaze12 and 22 are the same
  8. TepinMaybe theres an early mate
  9. TepinBut the sequence is good i think
  10. dax00what if move 13 goes to 2 10
  11. dax00Olekaze has a point about the repetition
  12. TepinIm tired
  13. TepinCya tomorrow
  14. Olekazesolved?
  15. dax00think so
  16. dax00these solutions are a lot more obvious looking than the historical tsume
  17. dax00takes a true genius to screw all the solver's efforts in all the straightforward lines
  18. dax00wow, a tower of golds
  19. dax00windmill version 2 lol
  20. dax00i just realized the elephant could have taken the bishop
  21. Olekazeoh yeah
  22. dax00i don't see any reason to sac the gold chariot
  23. Olekazetrue
  24. dax00the whale can give that check no matter where the gold chariot goes
  25. dax00question is which square
  26. dax00i think 10 2 stands out. blocks the FK from seeing 2 10, so the WH can go there
  27. Olekazeshould be mate in 111
  28. Olekazehopefully a diagonal windmill
  29. dax00diagonal windmill 🤣
  30. dax003 windmills in one puzzle?!
  31. dax00windmills are so sarisfying to play in a game. I've gotten about 5 of them in chess games
  32. dax00not chu shogi
  33. Olekazelooks good
  34. dax00yeah, next one
  35. dax00titled "wild horse"
  36. dax00these are a lot less stressful than the Meijin's tsume
  37. dax00looks like there will be some sacrifices along the diagonal
  38. Olekazeall these puzzles have a common theme of the king being constrained to a couple squares unable to run anywhere
  39. dax00wait, the bishop is gone now
  40. Olekazethe rook is free to take the tokin now
  41. dax00peat 2
  42. dax00part
  43. dax00don't have to reset the move counter
  44. dax00ooh, we've got a king
  45. dax00and an elephant nearly promoted
  46. dax00already very cool puzzle
  47. dax00next one titled 魔法の鏡 "magic mirror"
  48. dax004 横 on the same rank lol
  49. OlekazeI'm gonna take a break
  50. Olekazei'm back
  51. dax00welcome back
  52. dax00that cleared up quite a few pieces
  53. dax00kinda stuck
  54. dax00no mate
  55. Olekazeyeah
  56. dax00that wild piece exchange must have been wrong somehow
  57. dax00move 191
  58. Olekazemaybe 225 is wrong
  59. dax00unlikely. that bishop is defended
  60. GalagoNice tsume!
  61. Olekazeafter the whale trade, the left side becomes inaccessible to the king
  62. dax00well, the king can still do half-cycles
  63. dax00i just wanted to see what it would look like, quickly
  64. dax00in reality, it's still a way to mate, but def not 1000
  65. dax00oh yeah 400 moves
  66. dax00could sac the horse to slow down the mate
  67. dax00since the WH would make the right side safe again
  68. Olekazetrue
  69. dax00guess best timing for that is ASAP (move 292)
  70. Olekaze226 is also possible
  71. dax00mate slowed down by many hundreds of moves
  72. dax00part 3
  73. dax00phew, 1009 moves
  74. Olekazehopefully the puzzles get better over the next 20 years
  75. dax00yeah, these don't hold a quick to the old ones
  76. dax00wick
  77. dax00it's really hard to make good chu shogi puzzles though
  78. dax00at least 10 times harder than making chess puzzles
  79. Olekazewe haven't seen a single satisfying mate yet
  80. Olekazeor anything really
  81. dax00agreed
  82. dax00still no satisfying mate
  83. dax00these are trying to make up in move count what they lack in quality
  84. Olekazeis 14 done
  85. dax00I'm satisfied it's done
  86. dax00oh sorry
  87. Olekazewhat
  88. dax00nvm it's fine
  89. dax00so the dragon has to take if the bishop checks
  90. dax00or maybe SM blocks instead
  91. dax00yeah, dragon takes bishop, SM blocks the follow-up from the horse
  92. dax00i keep forgetting about the WH
  93. Olekazedoes sacing the bishop on 10 3 help us in any way
  94. dax00not that i can see right now
  95. dax00ooh, idea
  96. dax00these puzzles are really too similar to each other
  97. Olekazelol
  98. dax00oh next one is the super long one
  99. OlekazeI can't think any more cya tomorrow
  100. Olekazeyou're starting from the beginning?
  101. dax00I added an erroneous king in the corner
  102. dax00just copying
  103. Olekazein part 1 234 the stag can take the free king
  104. Olekaze254*
  105. Olekazefixed it
  106. Olekazewhat happens if rook block on 174 part 4
  107. dax00same as any time the rook blocks
  108. Olekazethis time the horse can't recapture
  109. dax00yeah ok that's always available. I'm gonna update part 1
  110. dax00with the explanation in part 1, it doesn't also need to be in part 4
  111. Olekazeyea
  112. Olekazewhy not also take the whale?
  113. Olekazenever mind
  114. Olekazeforgot about the vm
  115. dax00is there a point to capturing the whale?
  116. Olekazeto trade the horse for the gold
  117. Olekazeand promote the other horse
  118. Olekazenot sure though
  119. dax00part 6, move 81
  120. Olekazeyeah the whale is in the way
  121. dax00agree
  122. dax00last move of part 8 is interesting
  123. dax00if you allow the promotion with check or finally trade the rook off
  124. Olekazelet's trade the rook off then
  125. dax00a lot of finger exercise
  126. dax00can others even solve 3200 moves in one chapter
  127. dax00could probably go up to 1000, even with the 500/501 issue. but after that, idk
  128. Olekazethey can solve it in their head
  129. dax00keeping 1 whole chu shogi position memorized is hard
  130. dax00that's mate
  131. Olekazelooks forced
  132. Olekazeshould be mate in 73
  133. dax00maybe they didn't see this one
  134. Olekazelet's check their solution?
  135. dax00sure
  136. dax00i think they just missed it
  137. Olekazelet's send them an email with all the mistakes when we're done
  138. dax00it's nice to be able to communicate with the creator
  139. dax00those Ito Sokan problems were 260 years old
  140. dax00ooh, we get a king this time
  141. dax00could run up and take the rook
  142. Olekazeand now we go to 11 1
  143. dax00move 29
  144. dax00that's fun. all king moves
  145. Olekazewe finally have a lion again
  146. dax00break time
  147. TepinSolved #21
  148. Tepin#20, sorry
  149. Olekazetheir solution is mate in 455
  150. Olekazemaybe there's a better defense
  151. Olekazeit looks forced though
  152. TepinSolved 21?
  153. TepinLooks too easy
  154. Olekazethese puzzles aren't very good
  155. Tepingot it
  156. Tepinmate in 223?
  157. Olekazetheir solution is in 255
  158. Olekaze218 white horse can take
  159. Tepinoh
  160. Tepinthought was a whale
  161. Tepin255
  162. Tepini like this clean puzzles
  163. Tepintoo many pieces clutters the board
  164. Olekazehave you tried the iso sokan tsume
  165. Olekazeito*
  166. Tepinnot yet
  167. Olekazeto get to the lance i think we need trade off the dragon first
  168. Tepinthis one might have different lion trading rules
  169. OlekazeI checked their solution, they missed horse 11 1
  170. Olekazethe lion trading rules seem to be the same
  171. Tepinyou have solution?
  172. Olekazethe link the the website is under the board
  173. Olekazeto the*
  174. TepinThis?
  175. OlekazeI only checked the first 3 moves
  176. Tepinanother one
  177. Tepinnope
  178. Olekazethink I found it
  179. Tepingotta go
  180. dax00#20 move 96
  181. dax00so move 87 likely wrong
  182. Olekazei'm missing 2 moves for 20
  183. dax00it looks fine
  184. Tepin#24: move 100 the king can escape
  185. WassimBerbar#25, I think there's a mistake in the source position
  186. WassimBerbaryou can sacrifice the king to checkmate with lion
  187. WassimBerbarand if king runs, bait the king with the king to force him into the edge
  188. WassimBerbarthe position is still a win because sente only has to make a brinkmate and it's unstoppable because you have 2 kings
  189. WassimBerbardon't make it impossible if it's trivial
  190. Tepin#25 is mate in 13?
  191. TepinFound the pattern
  192. TepinThink ive solved it
  193. Olekazeshould be mate in 211
  194. TepinIm missing something?
  195. Olekazelooks pretty forced
  196. Tepin71 moves
  197. TepinWait
  198. TepinMaybe he wont capture the promoted leopard
  199. Olekazethat's probably it
  200. TepinStill forced