Chat room
- dax00
I've been distracted by my lunch - Tepin
Check my line - Tepin
29 moves - dax00
why all the way to 1 12 - dax00
i mean 2 12 - Tepin
For move 19 - Olekaze
12 and 22 are the same - Tepin
Maybe theres an early mate - Tepin
But the sequence is good i think - dax00
what if move 13 goes to 2 10 - dax00
Olekaze has a point about the repetition - Tepin
Im tired - Tepin
Cya tomorrow - Olekaze
solved? - dax00
think so - dax00
these solutions are a lot more obvious looking than the historical tsume - dax00
takes a true genius to screw all the solver's efforts in all the straightforward lines - dax00
wow, a tower of golds - dax00
windmill version 2 lol - dax00
i just realized the elephant could have taken the bishop - Olekaze
oh yeah - dax00
i don't see any reason to sac the gold chariot - Olekaze
true - dax00
the whale can give that check no matter where the gold chariot goes - dax00
question is which square - dax00
i think 10 2 stands out. blocks the FK from seeing 2 10, so the WH can go there - Olekaze
should be mate in 111 - Olekaze
hopefully a diagonal windmill - dax00
diagonal windmill 🤣 - dax00
3 windmills in one puzzle?! - dax00
windmills are so sarisfying to play in a game. I've gotten about 5 of them in chess games - dax00
not chu shogi - Olekaze
looks good - dax00
yeah, next one - dax00
titled "wild horse" - dax00
these are a lot less stressful than the Meijin's tsume - dax00
looks like there will be some sacrifices along the diagonal - Olekaze
all these puzzles have a common theme of the king being constrained to a couple squares unable to run anywhere - dax00
wait, the bishop is gone now - Olekaze
the rook is free to take the tokin now - dax00
peat 2 - dax00
part - dax00
don't have to reset the move counter - dax00
ooh, we've got a king - dax00
and an elephant nearly promoted - dax00
already very cool puzzle - dax00
next one titled 魔法の鏡 "magic mirror" - dax00
4 横 on the same rank lol - Olekaze
I'm gonna take a break - Olekaze
i'm back - dax00
welcome back - dax00
that cleared up quite a few pieces - dax00
kinda stuck - dax00
no mate - Olekaze
yeah - dax00
that wild piece exchange must have been wrong somehow - dax00
move 191 - Olekaze
maybe 225 is wrong - dax00
unlikely. that bishop is defended - Galago
Nice tsume! - Olekaze
after the whale trade, the left side becomes inaccessible to the king - dax00
well, the king can still do half-cycles - dax00
i just wanted to see what it would look like, quickly - dax00
in reality, it's still a way to mate, but def not 1000 - dax00
oh yeah 400 moves - dax00
could sac the horse to slow down the mate - dax00
since the WH would make the right side safe again - Olekaze
true - dax00
guess best timing for that is ASAP (move 292) - Olekaze
226 is also possible - dax00
mate slowed down by many hundreds of moves - dax00
part 3 - dax00
phew, 1009 moves - Olekaze
hopefully the puzzles get better over the next 20 years - dax00
yeah, these don't hold a quick to the old ones - dax00
wick - dax00
it's really hard to make good chu shogi puzzles though - dax00
at least 10 times harder than making chess puzzles - Olekaze
we haven't seen a single satisfying mate yet - Olekaze
or anything really - dax00
agreed - dax00
still no satisfying mate - dax00
these are trying to make up in move count what they lack in quality - Olekaze
is 14 done - dax00
I'm satisfied it's done - dax00
oh sorry - Olekaze
what - dax00
nvm it's fine - dax00
so the dragon has to take if the bishop checks - dax00
or maybe SM blocks instead - dax00
yeah, dragon takes bishop, SM blocks the follow-up from the horse - dax00
i keep forgetting about the WH - Olekaze
does sacing the bishop on 10 3 help us in any way - dax00
not that i can see right now - dax00
ooh, idea - dax00
these puzzles are really too similar to each other - Olekaze
lol - dax00
oh next one is the super long one - Olekaze
I can't think any more cya tomorrow - Olekaze
you're starting from the beginning? - dax00
I added an erroneous king in the corner - dax00
just copying - Olekaze
in part 1 234 the stag can take the free king - Olekaze
254* - Olekaze
fixed it - Olekaze
what happens if rook block on 174 part 4 - dax00
same as any time the rook blocks - Olekaze
this time the horse can't recapture - dax00
yeah ok that's always available. I'm gonna update part 1 - dax00
with the explanation in part 1, it doesn't also need to be in part 4 - Olekaze
yea - Olekaze
why not also take the whale? - Olekaze
never mind - Olekaze
forgot about the vm - dax00
is there a point to capturing the whale? - Olekaze
to trade the horse for the gold - Olekaze
and promote the other horse - Olekaze
not sure though - dax00
part 6, move 81 - Olekaze
yeah the whale is in the way - dax00
agree - dax00
last move of part 8 is interesting - dax00
if you allow the promotion with check or finally trade the rook off - Olekaze
let's trade the rook off then - dax00
a lot of finger exercise - dax00
can others even solve 3200 moves in one chapter - dax00
could probably go up to 1000, even with the 500/501 issue. but after that, idk - Olekaze
they can solve it in their head - dax00
keeping 1 whole chu shogi position memorized is hard - dax00
that's mate - Olekaze
looks forced - Olekaze
should be mate in 73 - dax00
maybe they didn't see this one - Olekaze
let's check their solution? - dax00
sure - dax00
i think they just missed it - Olekaze
let's send them an email with all the mistakes when we're done - dax00
it's nice to be able to communicate with the creator - dax00
those Ito Sokan problems were 260 years old - dax00
ooh, we get a king this time - dax00
could run up and take the rook - Olekaze
and now we go to 11 1 - dax00
move 29 - dax00
that's fun. all king moves - Olekaze
we finally have a lion again - dax00
break time - Tepin
Solved #21 - Tepin
#20, sorry - Olekaze
their solution is mate in 455 - Olekaze
maybe there's a better defense - Olekaze
it looks forced though - Tepin
Solved 21? - Tepin
Looks too easy - Olekaze
these puzzles aren't very good - Tepin
got it - Tepin
mate in 223? - Olekaze
their solution is in 255 - Olekaze
218 white horse can take - Tepin
oh - Tepin
thought was a whale - Tepin
255 - Tepin
i like this clean puzzles - Tepin
too many pieces clutters the board - Olekaze
have you tried the iso sokan tsume - Olekaze
ito* - Tepin
not yet - Olekaze
to get to the lance i think we need trade off the dragon first - Tepin
this one might have different lion trading rules - Olekaze
I checked their solution, they missed horse 11 1 - Olekaze
the lion trading rules seem to be the same - Tepin
you have solution? - Olekaze
the link the the website is under the board - Olekaze
to the* - Tepin
This? - Olekaze
I only checked the first 3 moves - Tepin
another one - Tepin
nope - Olekaze
think I found it - Tepin
gotta go - dax00
#20 move 96 - dax00
so move 87 likely wrong - Olekaze
i'm missing 2 moves for 20 - dax00
it looks fine - Tepin
#24: move 100 the king can escape - WassimBerbar
#25, I think there's a mistake in the source position - WassimBerbar
you can sacrifice the king to checkmate with lion - WassimBerbar
and if king runs, bait the king with the king to force him into the edge - WassimBerbar
the position is still a win because sente only has to make a brinkmate and it's unstoppable because you have 2 kings - WassimBerbar
don't make it impossible if it's trivial - Tepin
#25 is mate in 13? - Tepin
Found the pattern - Tepin
Think ive solved it - Olekaze
should be mate in 211 - Tepin
Im missing something? - Olekaze
looks pretty forced - Tepin
71 moves - Tepin
Wait - Tepin
Maybe he wont capture the promoted leopard - Olekaze
that's probably it - Tepin
Still forced