5|10 - Blitz - Rated takagi-san1500? −343driv3r1251 +11Sente left the game, Gote is victorious24 moves
0|10 - Bullet - Rated driv3r1307? −1nana5512062 +1Sente resigned, Gote is victorious44 movesComputer analysis available
15|30 - Classical - Rated sasha1111196 +30driv3r1291 −27Gote left the game, Sente is victorious31 movesComputer analysis available
5|10 - Blitz - Rated driv3r1254 −3nights1637? +31Sente resigned, Gote is victorious48 movesComputer analysis available
5|15 - Rapid - Rated - Daily HyperRapid Arenapeson2002 ±0driv3r1287 ±0Time out, Sente is victorious55 moves
3+6 - Blitz - Rated driv3r1256 −2andiologist1677 +1Sente resigned, Gote is victorious78 movesComputer analysis available