Minishogi win against level 7 Fairy Stockfish

Request a computer analysis so we can make sure that it was you who played against the bot.

Cool.... Except that this game seems to be a reimported copy of this game that you played already:
In the reimported copy of it, it doesn't show that you spent only two seconds on almost every move, and used two takebacks...

This was your games not even a week ago: You hung a bishop for nothing and lost on move six.
I'm sorry, but there is just no way that you actually improved enough in one week to be able to consistently beat an engine. You either:
1. Used an engine to beat the engine.
2. Played the same lines over and over and over against Stockfish until you found a line that Stockfish makes a mistake in, and simply memorized it. (Basically method one, but harder) I'm pretty sure this is what you did, seeing as you only play gote in EVERY one your games, and abandoned all others.
Even then... you posted this in the game analysis; but what analysis is there to do? According to the computer's analysis, you played a perfect game with zero mistakes of any kind. If you're going to post games where it's just the engine playing against itself (which is exactly the case here, let's be honest) I'd at least be okay with it if you had some comments, insights, interesting side-lines, overlooked traps, or deep ideas. Lishogi allows for all of this in the analysis page. It seems like you've learned a singular line through excessive trial-and-error (and two takebacks). I'm not sure what response you expected. Congrats I guess?


"Cool.... Except that this game seems to be a reimported copy of this game that you played already"
It's the same game.

"This was your games not even a week ago:"
I have played over 300 games in minishogi. I have just progressed quickly.

"Used an engine to beat the engine."
In the past I have looked at past games to make decisions however I do not count those as wins and did not do this with this game.

"Played the same lines over and over and over against Stockfish until you found a line that Stockfish makes a mistake in, and simply memorized it."
Even though I calculate within my games. Chess players do all the time. This is not cheating. .

"gote in EVERY one your games"
Gote always wins with perfect play which is why I play as gote in all my matches. There is not drawing in minishogi, if a 4 fold repetition occurs then gote.

"but what analysis is there to do"
I have posted my minshogi in a previous thread before but it seems like it was overlooked.

"you played a perfect game with zero mistakes of any kind"
My game was perfect because I was playing against a level 7 bot. One mistake or inaccuracy can lead you to losing the entire match. There is no margin of error since the board is so small.

"and two takebacks"
This contradicts the idea I mindlessly memorised shogi moves.

If you like I can add some game analysis to my game.

You dont progress that mutch quickly in that short of a time.
So either you used engine or you played weak on purpose in your other games to
show of "progress"

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