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  1. dax00he was the 7th honorary Meijin
  2. Olekazethe side getting mated is always sente, I guess we should also do that
  3. dax00why is it reversed
  4. dax00are you sure sente is the defender?
  5. Olekazethe king has a dot
  6. dax00that doesn’t mean anything
  7. dax00typically it goes to the weaker or lower ranked player
  8. Olekazei see, i'll fix it
  9. dax00before the 1580s both players had a 玉
  10. Olekazedo the two kanji have different meanings
  11. dax00玉 means jade and 王 means king
  12. WassimBerbarwithout is gote, with is sente
  13. WassimBerbargote is getting checkmated here
  14. dax00if it were up to me, both sides would have 玉
  15. WassimBerbarmake one of them a prince and the problem is solved
  16. dax00アマい
  17. dax00am i missing something
  18. Olekazewhere
  19. dax00idk, but normally all the pieces would be meaningful
  20. Olekazelet's check their solution?
  21. dax00ok
  22. dax00both their solutions sacrificed the lion differently from how i did lol
  23. dax00i went to 98 so the lion couldnt recapture
  24. Olekazelet's move on then
  25. OlekazeI can't find the second one
  26. dax00its loading for me
  27. dax00super slow load time
  28. dax00very red board
  29. dax00maybe a piece didnt load. lemme double check
  30. dax00the board is correct
  31. dax00we need to force the king down the side of the board. only piece that can do that is a lion or falcon
  32. OlekazeI'm gonna take a break, see you
  33. dax00good timing. i just got here
  34. dax00main problem with this is you can’t prove 3 Q87 sound against every response
  35. dax00already, these tsume are clearly higher quality than the previous ones
  36. Olekazelet's make something the main line so it's easier to keep track of everything
  37. dax00thats a bit long. i’m gonna check their solution
  38. dax00in any case, we keep these lines
  39. dax00so hard to mate when a lion us defending close
  40. Olekazeany problems in their solution?
  41. dax00we can check
  42. dax00looks correct
  43. dax00thats a pointless block. moving the white horse closer doesnt change the technique
  44. dax001. Ln26 looked really good right until that Ln73-62 defense
  45. Olekazelet's leave it in and mark the lion move?
  46. dax00yeah
  47. dax00the problem with these lion sacrifices is they’re opening up room for the king to run
  48. Olekazesee you later
  49. dax00hi. any ideas for #8?
  50. Olekazenot yet
  51. dax00first one i wanna say has no solution
  52. Olekazesee you tomorrow
  53. dax00solved?
  54. Olekazethink so
  55. dax00short and sweet
  56. dax00trying to find a mate after the tiger block
  57. Olekazeno mate for 11?
  58. dax00i don’t think so
  59. Olekazei don't like the solution for 13. too many pieces weren't used
  60. Olekazethough it works
  61. dax00i agree it’s probably not the intended solution
  62. dax00also the option of W10-11 on move 1 to free the 23 square for the dragon
  63. Olekazefor 14, the eagle can take on 23
  64. dax00oh true
  65. Olekazeif we can also somehow distract the falcon or dragon, we can mate on 10 5
  66. dax00that works
  67. dax00last check, not taking the elephant
  68. dax00ok, done with 14
  69. dax00this line feels like it should be mate either way
  70. Olekazeyeah
  71. dax00nice, now time for final checks
  72. dax00looks forced to me
  73. Olekazeyep
  74. dax00glad to solve 2 problems without a posted solution on their site so quickly
  75. dax0033 wouldnt be possible
  76. dax00i don’t think the actual solution would run on like this. there are still lots of moves to check
  77. Olekazeon move 20 what if the king runs to 5 10 instead of blocking
  78. Olekazei don't see a mate
  79. dax00this problem may have a solution, but i don’t think we are particularly close
  80. dax00i think it’s better to move on and maybe come back to this one later
  81. Olekazeagreed
  82. dax00that horse on 11-12 is funny
  83. Olekazei think pushing the pawn is the only way to make the horse useful
  84. dax00or distracting the
  85. dax00horse to take the gold
  86. Olekazethat's what i mean but the pawn is in the way
  87. Olekazeon 66
  88. Olekazesee you tomorrow
  89. dax00for a puzzle that seems like it should have a short solution, this one is tricky
  90. dax00i tried some other stuff for move 1, no luck yet
  91. dax00wanna keep trying or move on to the next one?
  92. OlekazeI guess we can come back to it later
  93. dax00i’m gonna take a break.cya
  94. dax00only solved 5 of 8 blocks
  95. dax00what do you think?
  96. OlekazeI'm not sure. need more tome to look at it
  97. dax00what i have as the mainline looks a lot like a possible book solution, even though it doesn’t work
  98. OlekazeI'm gonna go eat, see you later
  99. OlekazeI'm back
  100. dax00trying #24
  101. dax00looks like there’s no way to safely promote a lion
  102. Olekazesolved?
  103. dax00think so
  104. SigmaAgusdid you come up with these questions
  105. Olekazethese are ito sokan's tsume