Chat room
- dax00
he was the 7th honorary Meijin - Olekaze
the side getting mated is always sente, I guess we should also do that - dax00
why is it reversed - dax00
are you sure sente is the defender? - Olekaze
the king has a dot - dax00
that doesn’t mean anything - dax00
typically it goes to the weaker or lower ranked player - Olekaze
i see, i'll fix it - dax00
before the 1580s both players had a 玉 - Olekaze
do the two kanji have different meanings - dax00
玉 means jade and 王 means king - WassimBerbar
without is gote, with is sente - WassimBerbar
gote is getting checkmated here - dax00
if it were up to me, both sides would have 玉 - WassimBerbar
make one of them a prince and the problem is solved - dax00
アマい - dax00
am i missing something - Olekaze
where - dax00
idk, but normally all the pieces would be meaningful - Olekaze
let's check their solution? - dax00
ok - dax00
both their solutions sacrificed the lion differently from how i did lol - dax00
i went to 98 so the lion couldnt recapture - Olekaze
let's move on then - Olekaze
I can't find the second one - dax00
its loading for me - dax00
super slow load time - dax00
very red board - dax00
maybe a piece didnt load. lemme double check - dax00
the board is correct - dax00
we need to force the king down the side of the board. only piece that can do that is a lion or falcon - Olekaze
I'm gonna take a break, see you - dax00
good timing. i just got here - dax00
main problem with this is you can’t prove 3 Q87 sound against every response - dax00
already, these tsume are clearly higher quality than the previous ones - Olekaze
let's make something the main line so it's easier to keep track of everything - dax00
thats a bit long. i’m gonna check their solution - dax00
in any case, we keep these lines - dax00
so hard to mate when a lion us defending close - Olekaze
any problems in their solution? - dax00
we can check - dax00
looks correct - dax00
thats a pointless block. moving the white horse closer doesnt change the technique - dax00
1. Ln26 looked really good right until that Ln73-62 defense - Olekaze
let's leave it in and mark the lion move? - dax00
yeah - dax00
the problem with these lion sacrifices is they’re opening up room for the king to run - Olekaze
see you later - dax00
hi. any ideas for #8? - Olekaze
not yet - dax00
first one i wanna say has no solution - Olekaze
see you tomorrow - dax00
solved? - Olekaze
think so - dax00
short and sweet - dax00
trying to find a mate after the tiger block - Olekaze
no mate for 11? - dax00
i don’t think so - Olekaze
i don't like the solution for 13. too many pieces weren't used - Olekaze
though it works - dax00
i agree it’s probably not the intended solution - dax00
also the option of W10-11 on move 1 to free the 23 square for the dragon - Olekaze
for 14, the eagle can take on 23 - dax00
oh true - Olekaze
if we can also somehow distract the falcon or dragon, we can mate on 10 5 - dax00
that works - dax00
last check, not taking the elephant - dax00
ok, done with 14 - dax00
this line feels like it should be mate either way - Olekaze
yeah - dax00
nice, now time for final checks - dax00
looks forced to me - Olekaze
yep - dax00
glad to solve 2 problems without a posted solution on their site so quickly - dax00
33 wouldnt be possible - dax00
i don’t think the actual solution would run on like this. there are still lots of moves to check - Olekaze
on move 20 what if the king runs to 5 10 instead of blocking - Olekaze
i don't see a mate - dax00
this problem may have a solution, but i don’t think we are particularly close - dax00
i think it’s better to move on and maybe come back to this one later - Olekaze
agreed - dax00
that horse on 11-12 is funny - Olekaze
i think pushing the pawn is the only way to make the horse useful - dax00
or distracting the - dax00
horse to take the gold - Olekaze
that's what i mean but the pawn is in the way - Olekaze
on 66 - Olekaze
see you tomorrow - dax00
for a puzzle that seems like it should have a short solution, this one is tricky - dax00
i tried some other stuff for move 1, no luck yet - dax00
wanna keep trying or move on to the next one? - Olekaze
I guess we can come back to it later - dax00
i’m gonna take a break.cya - dax00
only solved 5 of 8 blocks - dax00
what do you think? - Olekaze
I'm not sure. need more tome to look at it - dax00
what i have as the mainline looks a lot like a possible book solution, even though it doesn’t work - Olekaze
I'm gonna go eat, see you later - Olekaze
I'm back - dax00
trying #24 - dax00
looks like there’s no way to safely promote a lion - Olekaze
solved? - dax00
think so - SigmaAgus
did you come up with these questions - Olekaze
these are ito sokan's tsume