Ibisha anaguma vs 4th file rook

  1. Preface
  2. -- Sente static rook--
  3. Opening
  4. 1. S-54 variation

Shikenbisha- 4th file rook vs ibisha anaguma

2 - Ivorwen -
  1. kifu 1 Ibisha-anaguma vs shikenbisha
  2. kifu 2 ibisha -anaguma vs shikenbisha
  3. kifu 3 ibisha- anaguma vs shikenbisha
  1. Ivorwen

[FR] Shikenbisha Partie 5 : Mino VS Shikenbisha

5 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence, Gote sans Fujii System
  2. S-54
  3. S-44
  4. Mino anticipé, Px35
  1. KatZ

Current Gote's Shikenbisha vs Sente's Ibisha Anaguma 【Takodori's Book Lines】

15 - ShogiExplained -
  1. Old Fujii System
  2. Current Fujii System
  3. Latest Shikenbisha Anaguma vs Ibisha Anaguma
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

White's Fourth File Rook (non-Fujii System Types) 【Takodori's Book Lines】

15 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1: Rapid attack - Sente's left Silver with S-4f
  2. 2: Rapid attack - Early engagement(Hayajikake) with P-4e
  3. 3: Rapid attack - Bogin(climbing Silver)
  4. 4: Rapid attack - Yamada's Joseki with B-9g
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

[FR]Shikenbisha partie 3 : Saginomiya Joseki 1/2, VS S-43

5 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence
  2. Sente Naname Bougin, Funa Gakoi, P-45, S-53
  3. Sente Namame Bougin, Funa Gakoi, P-45, B*66, R*39
  4. Sente Namame Bougin, Funa Gakoi, P-45, B*66, P*46
  1. KatZ

Beat Gote's Ibisha Anaguma with Sente's Shikenbisha Anaguma 【Takodori's Book Lines】

13 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1-1: Gote 26. S-4d with G6a-5b sometime before
  2. 1-2: Gote 24. S-4d with G6a
  3. 2-0: Gote 26. P-4d with 30. G4c
  4. 2-1: Gote 26. P-4d with 30. G4c - Pawn push sacrifice and counter-attack with 42
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

[FR]Shikenbisha partie 3 : VS migi Shikenbisha

5 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence
  2. Sente Shiken: Bateau VS Bateau (P-65 anticipé)
  3. Sente Shiken: Mino VS Mino (partie lente), B-77
  4. Sente Shiken: Mino VS Mur, attaque rapide, sans B-77
  1. KatZ
  2. sharuto
  3. shogiban
  4. gunjin

Static Rook vs Gote's Shikenbisha with Bishop Exchange 【Takodori's Book Lines】

11 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1.1-1: Sente's S-7g at the 15th move
  2. 1.1-2: Sente's P-4f at the 15th move
  3. 1.1-3: Sente's G4i-5h at the 15th move - 1
  4. 1.1-4: Sente's G4i-5h at the 15th move - 2
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

[FR]Shikenbisha partie 4 : Saginomiya Joseki 2/2, VS S-32

2 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence
  2. P- 46, P-45
  3. P-46, P-35
  4. P-35
  1. shogiban
  2. KatZ

[FR]Shikenbisha partie 2 : Sente vs Gote Funa Gakoi + Bougin

3 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence
  2. Défense classique, R-78
  3. Défense avec échange de fou
  1. shogiban
  2. neochapline
  3. KatZ

[FR]Kakukokan shikenbisha Partie 1 : Gote VS échange précoce avec Sente P-25

7 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence
  2. Gote S-77, Sente S*33
  3. Gote S-77, Sente S*43
  1. KatZ

[FR]Shikenbisha partie 1 : Naname Bougin, Yamada Joseki

10 - KatZ -
  1. Sente Naname Bougin, Position de référence
  2. Sente Naname Bougin, Funa Gakoi, P-24
  1. KatZ

[FR]Ai furibisha Partie 1 : Sangenbisha vs Kaku Koukan Shikenbisha

4 - KatZ -
  1. Position de référence
  2. Développement de la position
  3. Sente Mino : attaque rapide
  4. Sente Mino : Partie lente vs Gote Kin Musou
  1. shogiban
  2. KatZ

igor's Study

2 - igor -
  1. Chapter 1
  1. igor