Sente's Ishida Style Third File Rook vs Static Rook 【Takodori's Book Lines】

42 - ShogiExplained -
  1. 1: Sente's Ishida Style vs Climbing Gold, 22.G-7b without pushing P-5d
  2. 2: Sente's Ishida Style vs Climbing Gold, G-7b with P-5d, S-5c, G-4b shape - 1
  3. 3: Sente's Ishida Style vs Climbing Gold, G-7b with P-5d, S-5c, G-4b shape - 2
  4. 4: Sente's Ishida Style vs Climbing Gold, G-7b with P-5d, S-5c, G-4b shape - 3
  1. takodori
  2. ShogiExplained

Normal Third File v Rapid Attack

22 - syncr0 -
  1. Introduction
  2. Boat
  3. Elmo
  4. Left Mino
  1. syncr0


6 - Sankendou -
  1. 基本筋:端攻めの理想形
  2. 対引き角型(旧定跡)
  3. 対4四銀型
  4. 対4四歩型
  1. Sankendou